SMS Platform Solutions

A secure and seamless SMS communications platform.

Engage With


SMS directly captures people’s attention. TEXTR SMS makes your SMS communications simple, quick and measurable. This proprietary SMS broadcast service has been developed by us at TMC and we know communications – we’ve been in the game for over 40 years! We’ve developed a secure and seamless platform. It’s partnered with the leading Australian communications providers and easy to use.

TEXTR SMS allows you to design, schedule, and monitor your SMS communications. You can draft messages via email or use our web-based system, accept or reroute replies and schedule messages for now or later. You can manage Opt-outs and track performance in our secure and intuitive system.

We are genuinely invested in how TEXTR SMS performs for your business. Because we built it, we can offer you agile customer support and solve the root cause of any operational issues. Our investment in TEXTR SMS means we are always optimising and are a leader in smart technology integration that works for you and your business.

Promotions, Reminders and Updates

The open rate of SMS far exceeds email and by using our platform, TEXTR SMS, you can directly engage clients to save money on your goods or services. Many business owners use SMS broadcast services to advertise promotions, flash sale deals or reminders. However, promotional content is not all that TEXTR SMS delivers.

Well-calibrated SMS marketing creates dialogue between your business and customers. This dialogue is alongside promotional campaigns and messages about your key services or goods. It makes it easy for your clients to choose you. TMC Connect understands the value of trust and helps you build upon this dialogue by streamlining your client communications.

Maximising your appointment or booking schedule is crucial for any business. Using TEXTR SMS to send a confirmation SMS reminds people of their appointments and minimises the flurry of activity following last minute cancellations, and reduces the rate of ‘no shows.’

Internal Communications

Communicating time-sensitive information within medium to large organisations can be complex. It often involves inefficient processes. But it is costly if the message does not get through to the right people!

TEXTR SMS helps you quickly and directly share essential information with your workforce. Streamlining certain info via SMS makes internal communications more efficient and a smarter choice when it comes to getting the message out in bulk. SMS team communications can perform vital, internal functions and TEXTR SMS is your business support partner that gets it done! Worried about keeping a large list, or multiple teams using the one list? No problem, talk to us about our API automations and customised GUI front end solutions.

Flexible pricing options

SMS Platform plans to suit all levels and clients



Monthly Access Fee

Rates & Inclusions:

» 208 SMS Transmissions included
» Additional SMS’s – 12c per each excess SMS

Set Up Fee – $49

Additional Charges:

» Fixed Number Allocation (optional) – $49 per Month

Prices Exclude GST.



Monthly Access Fee

Rates & Inclusions:

» 455 SMS Transmissions included
» Additional SMS’s – 11c per each excess SMS

Set Up Fee – $49

Additional Charges:

» Fixed Number Allocation (optional) – $49 per Month

Prices Exclude GST.



Monthly Access Fee

Rates & Inclusions:

» 1000 SMS Transmissions included
» Additional SMS’s – 10c per each excess SMS

Set Up Fee – $49

Additional Charges:

» Fixed Number Allocation (optional) – $49 per Month

Prices Exclude GST.



Monthly Access Fee

Rates & Inclusions:

» 2778 SMS Transmissions included
» Additional SMS’s – 9c per each excess SMS

Set Up Fee – $49

Additional Charges:

» Fixed Number Allocation (optional) – $49 per Month

Prices Exclude GST.

TEXTR 1000


Monthly Access Fee

Rates & Inclusions:

» 12,500 SMS Transmissions included
» Additional SMS’s – 8c per each excess SMS

Set Up Fee – $49

Additional Charges:

» Fixed Number Allocation (optional) – $49 per Month

Prices Exclude GST.

Get in touch.
We’ll get your communications humming, so you can get on with what you do best!

Get in touch.
We’ll get your communications humming, so you can get on with what you do best!