Local Numbers

Available in all major cities and Regional areas with a local area prefix.

Can be used


TMC Connect’s local inbound numbers are landline numbers with a local area prefix, yet all incoming calls are routed to a designated answering point. This can be to another Australian landline number, mobile phone or an international number.

Inbound local numbers are ideal for businesses that wish to project a local presence. Our local inbound numbers are not attached to your physical phone line or address, so they are 100% portable and can be used worldwide.

Flexible pricing options

Inbound Local Number plans to suit all levels and clients



Per Month

Routed To:

AUS Landline – 10c per Minute
AUS Mobile – 20c per Minute
IDD Landline – 10c per Minute

Set Up Fee – $19

Included Features:

» Auto Attendant (IVR)
» Voice 2 Email
» Business Intro Message
» Time Based Routing
» Call Forwarding
» Call Recording
» Call Overflow

All timed calls are billed in per second increments.
Prices Exclude GST.

Most Popular



Per Month

Routed To:

AUS Landline – 10c per Minute
AUS Mobile – 20c per Minute
IDD Landline – 10c per Minute

Set Up Fee – $0

Included Calls:

AUS Landline – 200 Minutes Talk Time (Approx 80 Calls)
AUS Mobile – 100 Minutes Talk Time (Approx 40 Calls)

Included Features:

» Auto Attendant (IVR)
» Voice 2 Email
» Business Intro Message
» Time Based Routing
» Call Forwarding
» Call Recording
» Call Overflow

All timed calls are billed in per second increments.
Prices Exclude GST.



Per Month

Routed To:

AUS Landline – 8c per Minute
AUS Mobile – 16c per Minute
IDD Landline – 10c per Minute

Set Up Fee – $0

Included Calls:

AUS Landline – 500 Minutes Talk Time (Approx 200 Calls)
AUS Mobile – 250 Minutes Talk Time (Approx 100 Calls)

Included Features:

» Auto Attendant (IVR)
» Voice 2 Email
» Business Intro Message
» Time Based Routing
» Call Forwarding
» Call Recording
» Call Overflow

All timed calls are billed in per second increments.
Prices Exclude GST.

Get in touch.
We’ll get your communications humming, so you can get on with what you do best!

Get in touch.
We’ll get your communications humming, so you can get on with what you do best!